“Loving God includes loving people. You’ve got to love both.”

— 1 JOHN 4:21b (MSG)

“We have given our lives to reaching people and building healthy ministry for many years and we believe the best is yet to come.”








It took ten years and a massive faith journey, but God gave us the family we always dreamed of having. 

We have been married for 17 years.  We met working together in ministry and have continued it together ever since.  We love traveling together, laughing together and are always looking for the next action movie to compliment our date nights!  

Having children was in our hearts from day one. A few years into our marriage we began trying to have our first child. This started a ten year process that stretched our faith and hearts. After many doctors and a failed international adoption, God miraculously gave us the desire of our hearts.  Today, we have two amazing gifts, our son Paxton and our daughter Calon.  They daily bring so much joy and excitement to our lives. We are very grateful for our family and the journey God allowed us to walk out. 

Paxton is into all things construction and trains. Calon loves to nurture her dolls, watch cocomelon, and mess up her brother's train tracks.

This is cool …

Bryan had a book published and released nationally, selling 65,000 copies. Here is the excitement of seeing it in a bookstore for the first time!


For more than two decades, we have been shaped by dynamic opportunities and ministry roles in some of the most influential churches and ministries today. 

Both of us had the privilege, at an early age, of working in large-scale international ministries that provided big responsibilities and exposure such as setting up conferences and events for top speakers and authors, coordinating extensive national and international travel, experiencing the strength of church diversity in the America’s and around the world, book publishing with best selling authors, Christian television appearances and production, learning from dynamic leaders, and cultivating important ministry relationships.  

Those experiences opened the door for invaluable opportunities in the local church, that included implementing church growth strategies and systems, pastoring influential business leaders and entrepreneurs, local and national missions and outreach, church multi-site model growth and advancement, executive experience in high level decision making, budgeting and staff development, planting churches and being a part of a staff for one of the top 10 fastest growing churches in America. 

Our ministry journey has created a deep love and decisive passion for ministry.  There is no hesitation in saying that we are where we are today because someone created space for us to experience God’s calling in a real relational and transformational way and we are driven to do the same for others. 

More than ever before, we want to use all that God has provided us to make a difference in the hearts and lives of a congregation and city. 

Whether speaking from a large platform across the globe or from a coffee shop across the table, we are committed to leading a staff and church in impacting the world around us with the love and compassion of Jesus. If you would like a comprehensive resume, please click here.

  • We lead with passion: If we don’t remember why we are reaching people, we will lose the passion for what we must do to reach people. Jesus is our why.

    We lead as a team: The vision God has for His church isn’t on any one of us; it's on all of us. Every person is a piece to the puzzle.

    We celebrate often: We will not take for granted what we get to do and who we get to do it with.

    We give honor: We honor up, down, and all around in words and actions.

    We deal with it: Nothing gets swept under the rug. It gets cleaned up. Clean hearts and clean air keep us healthy.

    We keep growing: We want to get bigger and better. What we know now got us here. What we learn next will get us there.

    We pursue excellence: We give our best and nothing less. Settling for “good enough” is not good enough.

    We serve others: A title doesn’t elevate us; it humbles us. Empowered, not entitled, we are aware of who and what we represent.

    We are all in: Wholehearted in every situation or position, we do not look for ways out; we look for ways forward.

  • Bryan:

    1. Faith

    2. Discernment

    3. Hospitality

    4. Leadership

    5. Teaching


    1. Discernment

    2. Exhortation

    3. Leadership

    4. Teaching

    5. Faith

  • Bryan

    1. Individualization

    2. Arranger

    3. Strategic

    4. Communication

    5. Activator


    1. Activator

    2. Belief

    3. Includer

    4. Woo

    5. Achiever

  • God’s Word

    The Bible is the divinely inspired and infallible Word of God, and is a map for every decision in life.


    There is one God who exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; these three are one in essence, and co-equal and co-eternal in person.


    Mankind is inherently sinful, spiritually dead, and by nature, rebellious and stubbornly willful without God. No amount of good deeds or self-help can change this. Only God — who is inherently sovereign, all knowing, loving and just — can help humanity.


    2,000 years ago God sent His Eternal Son, Jesus, who by the power of the Holy Spirit was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death, rose from the dead, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and is coming to earth again in great power to physically reign with His church in His coming kingdom. Belief in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus brings forgiveness of sin. And, through our faith in Jesus we become children of God, sealed unto the day of redemption by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    God’s gracious offer of salvation facilitates our turning from sin and culminates when our faith is placed in His Son’s sacrifice, as not only payment for our debt of sin but also the means by which we become God’s purchased possession — the Church.

    The Church

    The Church is comprised of all God-called believers who have put their faith in the authority and headship of Jesus Christ, and have been baptized into the body of Christ.

    The Church is helped, comforted, sanctified, empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit.

    The purpose of the Church is to bring glory to God by sharing the love of God, preaching the Gospel, and baptizing and making disciples of every nation and people group.


    Baptism is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and is subsequent to salvation.


    The Communion (bread and wine) was instituted at the Last Supper by Christ where he admonished His followers to frequently observe in remembrance of His sacrifice until He returns to earth.


    Discipleship is the training and equipping of believers to faithfully follow Christ and lead others to follow Christ.

    Spiritual Maturity

    The goal of every Christian believer should be to mature, to be conformed to the image of Christ, and to be fruitful for Christ.

  • “Our heart's desire is to be in a place where God uses our gifts and lives to move others towards Jesus and His purposes.”


  • “Reaching people with God’s unfailing love and his boundless grace is our passion and joy.”


  • “After years of leading and pastoring, I am more determined than ever to build something great for the Kingdom of God.”


  • “We want to see people run with confidence in the lane God has just for them.”



The church we see is thriving, growing, and full of life. It is a place where people are excited to bring their family and friends. It is an environment where The Holy Spirit moves every heart in a personal way, inspiring each person to be more like Jesus and closer to the plans He has for their life. It is a community of people who love doing life together, celebrating each other in victory and comforting each other in loss — a church that delights in God’s truth and delivers His grace in abundance. It is a crazy generous church, giving selflessly and lavishly to the things of God. It is a church that is always eager to serve others, looking to go the second mile for anyone, anytime. It is a house that looks for and sees the God gift in every person, developing them into a leader that honors the Lord.  

The church we see is multi-generational, ministering to and celebrating the entire family. No one is too old, and no one is too young. We honor what God has done and passionately pursue what God wants to do. The church we see is multicultural, representing all walks of life, loving and accepting every person where they are, for who they are, regardless of their past, and giving them hope for the future God has for them. The church we see is impacting our city and the world around us with the unconditional love and hope of Jesus.